There are two problems homeowners have with their garage doors – it won’t close, or it won’t open. If your car is stuck behind a garage door that won’t open, you won’t be able to go anywhere until you get it fixed or open the door manually.

How to Manually Open a Garage Door

Needed to leave for work 10 minutes ago and don’t have time to call for repairs? Luckily, if the problem is with the motor or the power supply, you should be able to open the door manually using the emergency cord.

Simply pull the red emergency release cord that hangs from the top of your garage door on the inside. This will allow you to move the door freely along the track. Open it fully, and make sure it will stay open before you let go. When you’re done, close it manually and pull the red cord up and toward the motor until you hear a click.

If the door won’t open manually, you have a more serious problem on your hands. Keep reading to find out what it could be.

Troubleshooting Guide

How do you determine what the issue is before you call in the cavalry to help? Here are 6 of the most common reasons why your garage door isn’t opening.

1. Your Remote Control is Dead

In a best-case scenario, the remote control you use to open your garage is simply out of batteries. Before you go out of your mind checking everything else on this list, try the easiest fix first!

2. The Wall Button Isn’t Working

If your remote is working just fine but the wall button for your garage door isn’t, the problem could be a lack of power to the door operator. Sometimes this is as simple as accidentally unplugging the mechanism when entering your home from inside, or if something got caught.

If you check and its plugged in, the problem could be something more serious, like a blown fuse. In that case, you will need to have someone come out and check your fuses.

3. Broken Springs

A more serious issue where you will absolutely need someone to come fix your garage door is if the extension springs are broken. If all of the other above problems are solved, and the motor runs but the door does not move, there may be broken torsion springs. If this is the case, you will absolutely need an experienced repair team to come and fix your door.

As soon as you suspect that a broken spring may be the issue, STOP trying to open the door – this could make the problem worse. Wait for a professional to arrive.

4. Track is Misaligned

To open and close, your garage slides along a metal track. If this track becomes bent or if something gets stuck in the track, the door won’t open properly.

A misaligned track can potentially be solved on your own with some tinkering. However, your best bet will be to call in for some help. A misaligned track could damage your door and lead to larger repairs down the line. If your door won’t move, or if you notice it makes a lot of strange noises or seems to get stuck in some places, it could be a misalignment.

5. Broken Cables

Like the broken springs, this is an issue that will definitely need an expert to come and fix. Since the cables are built into the garage door, it might be hard to determine just by looking at it if the cables have snapped. If your door shuts and hits the ground quite hard, this can be dangerous. Eventually, the cables will not support the door at all. This is a major problem that typically occurs in older garages or ones that may have been installed improperly. Make sure you call someone to fix it sooner rather than later.

6. The Motor is Disconnected

Automatic garage doors sure are convenient, but they’re pretty useless in a power outage. That’s why they all come with a switch or cord that disconnects it from the motor and allows you to open it manually. If your garage door opens without a hitch manually but doesn’t budge when you try to use the opener, you may have accidentally disconnected it from the motor.

If Your Garage Door Isn’t Opening, Call Us!

Speedy Garage Door Repair has the expertise and skills you need to make sure your garage door is working properly. We can help with most any issue affecting your door’s function, including the ones listed above. If you notice an issue with your garage door, give us a call!